Alkaline Water Science

Over-Acidification Is The Body's Enemy

Due to fast paced daily lifestyles and eating on the run, people have to face a constantly growing endangerment: the over-acidification (Acidosis) of the body cells.

Over-Acidification Is The Body's Enemy

Over-acidification or (Acidosis)

Due to fast paced daily lifestyles and eating on the run, people have to face a constantly growing endangerment: the over-acidification (Acidosis) of the body cells, which will interrupt cellular activities and functions.

Too much acid in the body offers an environment for sickness and disease

This is a major root of sickness and disease. Studies have shown that an acidic, anaerobic (which is also the lack of oxygen) body environment encourages the breeding of fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses. As a result, our inner biological terrain shifts from a healthy oxygenated and 9.5+ pH environment, to an unhealthy, acidic one. When our body's pH becomes more and more acidic, it starts to set up defense mechanisms to keep the damaging acid from entering our vital organs.

When our body's pH becomes more and more acidic, it starts to set up defense mechanisms to keep the damaging acid from entering our vital organs.

Our body has to work hard to neutralize and detoxify these acids

In fact, our body has to work hard to neutralize and detoxify these acids before they can act as poisons in and around the cells, ultimately changing the environment of each cell. Unhealthy conditions, which can be caused directly by over-acidification, are: osteoporosis, high cholesterol, kidney stones, arthritis, gout, diabetes, high blood pressure, allergies, cancer, etc.


We hope this sparked some thought regarding the over-acidification of the body. Being informed is the first step to being healthy. Experience AQUA 9+ Reverse Osmosis and Ionic Mineral Drinking Water with a pH of 9.5+ as a part of your healthy diet and routine. Find our self-serve kiosks at a participating grocer near you.

Written by
JMichael Wuestemann

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