Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center.

Self-serve Reverse Osmosis, 9.5+ pH Mineral Water Vending Machine Business opportunity for purchase or profit sharing• Call Today +1-888-648-5161.

Get Started

Are You Looking For A Pure Profit Center Business Opportunity?

Water Vending Machines Are Low Maintenance, High Yield Investments for any grocer or investor.


Monthly Gross or higher if located in high traffic location in a grocery store.
(Performance may vary by store and machine size.)

Low Maintenance

Water Vending machines are designed to be self-contained / self-serve profit centers.

Weekly Customer Base

Repeat customer loyalty that can bring solid customer base and secondary retail purchases to your store.

Low Operating Cost.

Filters, media, electricity and water source are a fraction of the potential profit.

Discover Your Business Opportunity

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine with blue glowAqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine with smoke effects


Choose from purchase or profit sharing.

AQUA 9+ makes point of entry easy for both direct purchase and or profit sharing programs.


Choose the size, design and look of kiosk and install.

AQUA 9+ takes great pride in offering custom water vending machines giving your store an exclusive looking design to fit perfectly with your ambiance and décor.


Sit back and collect your revenue.

Allow AQUA 9+ powered water vending machine to be a part of your successful pure profit center by tracking your performance with auto-generated reports.

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine with blue glowAqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine with white glow
Water Vending Machine
Business Opportunity

AQUA 9+ Business Opportunities and Profit Center. All Natural Ionic Mineral Alkaline Water Vending Machine.

AQUA 9+ 9.5+pH Mineral Water vending machine is a great way to generate ADDITIONAL INCOME for your stores with minimal investment and offers increased store foot traffic. The water vending machine produces high quality fresh tasting purified drinking water and natural ionic mineral drinking water, and has a simple push button operation used to fill containers of any size.  The water filling station is ready to hook-up to your water inlet line.

High quality, fresh-tasting purified drinking water and/or natural ionic 9.5+pH mineral drinking water.

Simple push button operation used to fill containers of any size.

Additional income for your stores with minimal energy and investment.

Increase store sales with foot traffic to our 2-, 3- or 4- faucet AQUA 9+ Water Vending Machines.

Custom Designs, Sizes and Wraps.
Sales Reports emailed daily to customer (owner).
AQUA 9+ Premium 7-stage filtration process.
Fast water dispensing.
Great Income Source with Stable 9.5+pH and Fluoride-free All The Time.
Automatic Water Quality Control and On/Off water production.
Both indoor and outdoor designs to handle UV and weather.
Secure transactions for all sales.

Our latest self-serve drinking water vending machines and filling stations.

You've Got Water Questions. We've Got Answers.

Industrial Alkaline Generator
Bulk Water Vending Machine Performance
Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center
Water Business Opportunity and Invitation
Water Vending Machine Manufacturing
You Deserve AQUA 9+
Double Your AQUA 9+
Why So Many Alkaline Waters?
AQUA 9+ Smooth Taste
Hard Minerals VS Ionic Minerials
Legacy Water System Installation
Vending Machine Dispensing Instructions
High Profit Alkaline Water Business Opportunities
Industrial Alkaline Generator
Bulk Water Vending Machine Performance
Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center
Water Business Opportunity and Invitation
Water Vending Machine Manufacturing
You Deserve AQUA 9+
Double Your AQUA 9+
Why So Many Alkaline Waters?
AQUA 9+ Smooth Taste
Hard Minerals VS Ionic Minerials
Legacy Water System Installation
Vending Machine Dispensing Instructions
High Profit Alkaline Water Business Opportunities
Water Vending Machine Manufacturing
Industrial Alkaline Generator
Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center
You Deserve AQUA 9+
High Profit Alkaline Water Business Opportunities
Double Your AQUA 9+
Hard Minerals VS Ionic Minerials
Water Business Opportunity and Invitation
Vending Machine Dispensing Instructions
Why So Many Alkaline Waters?
AQUA 9+ Smooth Taste
Bulk Water Vending Machine Performance
Legacy Water System Installation
High Profit Alkaline Water Business Opportunities
Legacy Water System Installation
Double Your AQUA 9+
Hard Minerals VS Ionic Minerials
AQUA 9+ Smooth Taste
Why So Many Alkaline Waters?
You Deserve AQUA 9+
Water Vending Machine Manufacturing
Water Business Opportunity and Invitation
Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center
Industrial Alkaline Generator
Bulk Water Vending Machine Performance
Vending Machine Dispensing Instructions
You Deserve AQUA 9+
Why So Many Alkaline Waters?
Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center
Water Vending Machine Manufacturing
Water Business Opportunity and Invitation
Vending Machine Dispensing Instructions
Legacy Water System Installation
Industrial Alkaline Generator
High Profit Alkaline Water Business Opportunities
Hard Minerals VS Ionic Minerials
Double Your AQUA 9+
Bulk Water Vending Machine Performance
AQUA 9+ Smooth Taste
You Deserve AQUA 9+
Why So Many Alkaline Waters?
Water Vending Machine Pure Profit Center
Water Vending Machine Manufacturing
Water Business Opportunity and Invitation
Vending Machine Dispensing Instructions
Legacy Water System Installation
Industrial Alkaline Generator
High Profit Alkaline Water Business Opportunities
Hard Minerals VS Ionic Minerials
Double Your AQUA 9+
Bulk Water Vending Machine Performance
AQUA 9+ Smooth Taste
Water Health Academy

We’ve got you covered.

We answered some of the most frequently asked questions regarding an AQUA 9+ Powered Business.

How do I know what size water system I will need for my AQUA 9+ Powered Water Store?

The square footage of the retail space for the water store will play a big roll in the actual size of either vending machines that could be placed inside and outside the store or a plumbed faucet system. The system will be designed based on the available space.

Square footage will also dictate the flow and amount of people that can be served at the same time regarding local codes.

Where is a good location for a water store?

Water stores, like other retail businesses do best in higher traffic areas close to a large anchor store like a grocer. There are always exceptions. Once people know the location, the store could be a destination point with marketing if not in a grocery complex.

Heavier foot traffic, the better, as a rule.

Would an AQUA 9+ Powered Business be limited to Southern California?

No. Even though we have partners in the Southern California area we also have partners in Florida and the upper north east and across the United States.

We are also proud to work with international partners in business.

Do I need retail space for a micro bottling and or home delivery type business.

No. Light industrial space with an office can be ideal and a less expensive way of doing business.

This type of space allows for filling and even temporary storage of product that would be shipped out weekly or monthly.

Who do I contact to get started with my AQUA 9+ Powered Water Business?

Contact J. Michael Wuestemann, VP of Sales and Marketing:
Phone:+1 888-648-5161
Email: sales@aqaunineplus.com

Become an AQAU 9+ Powered Business Partner Today!


Get real.
Get in the moment. Live your life.

You are 70% water. AQUA 9+ wants to help!

2 Premium Bulk Water Offerings

Choose your favorite AQUA 9+ water: Reverse Osmosis, 9.5+ pH Mineral  Water.

Big Percentage Savings

In comparison to retail bottled water, AQUA 9+ Premium Waters in bulk are 50% less (or more) than other comparable waters.

Be A Star On The Planet

Less plastic usage by utilizing refillable containers means less plastic waste in the oceans and on the planet.

Discover The Energy Premium Hydration Can Offer.

Hydration with clean RO and 9.5+ mineral water may give the health conscious that extra boost to perform their very best.

Convenient Locations

AQUA 9+ powered water vending machines are conveniently located both inside and outside of your popular health food grocers in So Cal and other locations in the US.

Looking For A Pure Profit Center Business Opportunity?

AQUA 9+ offers high yielding Water Vending Machines for purchase and profit sharing.

Make The Right Move

Eat right, keep moving and stay hydrated. AQUA 9+ Premium Bulk Waters can be a part of your everyday health goals.

Give Your Body A Gift

Your body wants to be healthy as much as you want to be healthy. Give your body the gift of AQUA 9+ Premium Bulk Waters.

You Heard Correctly...
We have CBD Hemp Water
For Water Vending Machines.

AQUA 9+ has engineered the first of its kind.

Aqua 9+ hemp water vending machine

CBD Hemp Drinking Water

The world's first bulk water, self-serve water vending machine. Dispenses all natural CBD Hemp drinking water.

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine

High Yield Hemp Water

Experience high profit margins offering clients CBD Hemp drinking water.

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine

4 In 1

1. CBD Hemp Water
2. 9.5+ pH Mineral
3. Reverse Osmosis
4. Video advertising

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine

9.5+ pH Mineral Water

Dispenses all natural 9.5+ pH mineral drinking water.

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine

Large High Resolution
Video Screen

Custom programmable video screen for promotion and advertising.

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine

RO Purified Water

Dispenses premium filtered reverse osmosis drinking water.

Aqua 9+ alkaline water vending machine with white glowJ Michael dispensing outline drinking water from aqua 9+ alkaline drinking water vending machine in front of whole foods
Water Vending Machines

AQUA 9+ Water Vending Machines. Reverse Osmosis and All Natural Ionic Mineral Alkaline Drinking Water Near You.

Tired of OVER spending for all natural 9.5+ pH mineral and reverse osmosis pre-bottled drinking water? Experience our convenient self-serve water vending machine at major health wise grocers near you.

Choose All Natural

Considerably less expensive than bottled drinking water and environmentally conscious with refillable containers.

Easily accessible convenient locations
(Southern California).

Use cash, credit cards or refillable smart water cards.

We like choices! Both alkaline and smart valued reverse osmosis drinking water dispensing from the same machine.

Great value, smooth taste, superior health and hydration.

Water Vending Machine Locator

Let's Talk!

Do you have questions regarding AQUA 9+ water vending machines, profitable water vending machine business opportunities, alkaline water purifiers or industrial water filtration and commercial alkaline water machines? We would love to hear from you.

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